100 voltageciting TRAMAG Years – From 1923 to Today

Episode 5: TRAMAG establishes a new Factory in the Czech Republic and Stefan Ammon sets the Course for a future-proof Line-up and Direction

Join us on a highly interesting journey through the formative events of 100 years of TRAMAG corporate history.

When the silent partner Gert Magnus died in 1988, Joachim Ammon decided to acquire his shares. Since 1990, the Ammon family has been the sole owners of TRAMAG. At the same time, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the opening of the Eastern European markets marked the beginning of a difficult period for the German transformer industry. Cheap suppliers from Eastern Europe and a general economic crisis soon followed, plunging many companies into bankruptcy during these years. With drastic cost-cutting measures, Joachim Ammon succeeds in saving TRAMAG from the fate of many competitors.

At the same time he ventures an investment in Eastern Europe and founds a second production site for TRAMAG with BOHEMIA-Trafo s.r.o.. The new plant in the Czech Republic runs very successfully in the following years and thus creates the basis for further growth as well as for TRAMAG’s long-term competitiveness.

In the new millennium, Stefan Ammon, the third generation of owners in the Ammon family, joins the company. Together, father and son Ammon tackle the challenges of solar energy and in 2008 also create the conditions to supply the growing market of medical technology with special transformers.

TRAMAG: Innovative product portfolio and sustainable customer satisfaction for 100 years

At the peak of the solar-boom in 2011, TRAMAG achieves a turnover of 6-7 million euros just with this industry. During this time, a photovoltaic system is also erected on the large-scale roof of the TRAMAG company building, which makes a significant contribution to a CO2-free energy supply for TRAMAG. Unfortunately, the solar boom in Germany also ends in the same year with a resulting decline in sales for TRAMAG as well.

However, the product portfolio and the customer platform are now broadly diversified, and TRAMAG is well positioned for the future in terms of organization, technology and sales. Established as a recognized, leading supplier of customized transformers and chokes for a wide range of industries and applications. Stefan Ammon, Managing Director since 2008, has set himself the goal of further growth for TRAMAG in the coming years. Unchanged as it has been for 100 years, following the TRAMAG “DNA” of Hans Magnus, with the demand for highest quality, innovative solutions and sustainable customer satisfaction.

This concludes the tour through our company history, the “TRAMAG story” for the first 100 years is told … and at the same time the second company century is opened.

More about us
Family Ammon
Photovoltaic system on the TRAMAG building

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