Episode 4: Protecting transformers and searching for treasures …
Inside TRAMAG Team – Work & Life in Balance
Inside TRAMAG: Our employee Michael
“And what else do you do?”
In the current and the last three episodes of our new Webnews video series, TRAMAG employees from office and production give us insights into their activities inside and outside their company:
exciting and relaxing, culinary and creative, technological and archaeological, handcrafted and constructive. As versatile as our products and applications. Let us surprise you.

Our employee Michael
In this episode, the focus is on our employee Michael. At TRAMAG, he is responsible for impregnating and drying our transformers and chokes. He makes sure that our products are optimally protected even for adverse environmental conditions and that they work very quietly. In his leisure time, Michael uses his metal detector to search for hidden treasures underground. This is how Michael balances work and life for himself.
Since 1923, customers all over the world have trusted in the TRAMAG solution competence and in the TRAMAG quality responsibility of our employees for the use of transformers, chokes and filters in the most diverse electrotechnical applications. We have been committed to this claim with inductive and innovative TRAMAG-passion for 100 years.
“Work-life balance is not an entitlement or benefit. Your company can not give it to you, you have to create it for yourself.” – Matthew Kelly